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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Radioactive Contamination of Food and Water

addictNews, Jakarta-radioactive material that spread in the air due to damage to nuclear plant in Japan to make people at risk of cancer . Because the toxins that contaminate food and water.
Experts say the radioactive exposure could potentially lead to various types of cancers and abnormalities in the fetus. But they acknowledge the need for accurate measurement of the level of radioactive matter in Japan.
“Ledakan dapat menyebabkan penduduk terkena radiasi jangka panjang dan berisiko kanker tiroid, kanker tulang dan leukemina. Anak-anak dan janin paling rentan atas bahaya tersebut,” ujar ahli patologi kimia di American Board of Toxivologist, Lam Ching-wan yang juga dosen di University of Hong Kong.
Materi radioaktif dapat berbentuk tetesan air di udara. Ini mampu masuk ke dalam tubuh setelah dihirup via nafas, menyentuh kulit serta mencemari tanaman, kehidupan laut dan air minum.
Cow's milk is also highly vulnerable given the cow can be exposed to radiation while consuming contaminated grass.
Exposure to radiation increases the likelihood of infertility (infertile) for men and women. Experts affirm harmful radiation can cause a change or mutation in DNA causing cancer.
Anak-anak lebih rentan bahaya karena sel mereka membelah pada tingkat yang lebih cepat dibandingkan orang dewasa. Akibatnya, sel kanker bisa menyebar dengan cepat.



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