Disini Saya Akan Membocorkan Pengalaman Saya, Materi yang akan saya sajikan disini hasil dari pengalaman mengajar dan mengelola lembaga bahasa Inggris sejak tahun 1987. Tidak akan pernah Anda dapati materi seperti ini di lembaga bahasa Inggris manapun - Dijamin !!
Materi langsung di sampaikan oleh saya sendiri yang sudah saya kemas dalam Format Conversation MP3 dan Ebook Panduan Yang Mudah di Download di Member Area
Memiliki dasar-dasar skill bahasa secara terpadu (Integrated Skill) untuk dikembangkan menjadi skill berbahasa tingkat Intermediate - guna pembentukan kemampuan membaca literatur serta menulis komposisi
Semua materi pelatihan berupa ebook serta Audio MP3 bisa Anda download atau dikirim dalam bentuk DVD sesuai permintaan Anda. Kursus bahasa Inggris online FULL CONVERSATION system ini saya tujukan untuk mereka yang belajar dari NOL. Itulah sebabnya bahasa pengantar yang digunakan masih berbahasa Indonesia. Anda akan mendapatkan 32 set materi yang semuanya FULL CONVERSATION membentuk skill pronunciaton, receptive speaking, basic structure dan basic listening sehingga Anda saya jamin mampu hadapi "Job Interview" dalam bahasa Inggris
Banyak kursus bahasa Inggris yang mungkin pernah Anda ikuti, tapi semuanya sama - hanya menghambur-hamburkan rumus Grammar, conversation hanya sekedar basa basi saja. Belajar Bahasa Inggris menjadi seperti belajar Matematika !! .. Full rumus-rumus, akhirnya siswa frustasi dan tidak merasa berbakat berbahasa Inggris
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Grammar adalah Sistem Bahasa. Orang-orang kadang-kadang menjelaskan grammar sebagai "aturan" suatu bahasa, tetapi pada kenyataannya bahasa sebenarnya tidak memiliki aturan.
Bahasa dimulai oleh orang-orang membuat suara yang berubah menjadi kata-kata, frasa dan kalimat. Tidak ada bahasa yang sering diucapkan adalah tetap. Semua perubahan bahasa dari waktu. Apa yang kita sebut "GRAMMAR" hanyalah sebuah refleksi dari bahasa pada waktu tertentu.
Apakah kita perlu mempelajari grammar untuk mempelajari BAHASA INGGRIS? Jawaban singkatnya adalah "tidak". Sangat banyak orang di dunia berbicara sendiri, bahasa asli tanpa harus belajar grammar. Anak-anak mulai bicara sebelum mereka tahu kata "grammar".
Tetapi jika anda SERIUS tentang belajar BAHASA INGGRIS, jawaban lama "ya, grammar dapat membantu Anda untuk belajar bahasa lebih cepat dan lebih efisien."
Bahasa dimulai oleh orang-orang membuat suara yang berubah menjadi kata-kata, frasa dan kalimat. Tidak ada bahasa yang sering diucapkan adalah tetap. Semua perubahan bahasa dari waktu. Apa yang kita sebut "GRAMMAR" hanyalah sebuah refleksi dari bahasa pada waktu tertentu.
Apakah kita perlu mempelajari grammar untuk mempelajari BAHASA INGGRIS? Jawaban singkatnya adalah "tidak". Sangat banyak orang di dunia berbicara sendiri, bahasa asli tanpa harus belajar grammar. Anak-anak mulai bicara sebelum mereka tahu kata "grammar".
Tetapi jika anda SERIUS tentang belajar BAHASA INGGRIS, jawaban lama "ya, grammar dapat membantu Anda untuk belajar bahasa lebih cepat dan lebih efisien."
Bahasa Inggris,
tata bahasa
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tips Belajar Tata Bahasa Inggris
Salah satu tips belajar tata bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut
1. Ambil kalimat dalam berbahasa Inggris dan buat catatan bahasa inggris
2. Hapalkan kalimat tersebut
3. Pikirkan kalimat tersebut secara berulang kali
Dengan menggunakan cara ini, kita dapat belajar bahwa suatu kalimat disusun dari SUATU struktur dan bukan dari struktur YANG LAIN. Dari pengamatan terhadap kalimat tersebut, kita dapat menggali lebih dalam apa yang ada pada kalimat tersebut dan apa yang tidak ada di kalimat tersebut. coba kamu pelajari system full conversation ini
1. Ambil kalimat dalam berbahasa Inggris dan buat catatan bahasa inggris
2. Hapalkan kalimat tersebut
3. Pikirkan kalimat tersebut secara berulang kali
Dengan menggunakan cara ini, kita dapat belajar bahwa suatu kalimat disusun dari SUATU struktur dan bukan dari struktur YANG LAIN. Dari pengamatan terhadap kalimat tersebut, kita dapat menggali lebih dalam apa yang ada pada kalimat tersebut dan apa yang tidak ada di kalimat tersebut. coba kamu pelajari system full conversation ini
Bahasa Inggris,
tata bahasa,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada 14 FAKTA UNIK
- Stewardesses adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik di keyboard hanya dengan menggunakan tangan kiri Anda. Sedangkan untuk tangan kanan, lollipop adalah yang terpanjang.
- Tidak ada kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang bersajak/berima dengan month, orange, silver, purple, angst dan scalp.
- Dreamt adalah satu-satunya kata bahasa Inggris yang berakhir dengan huruf ‘mt’.
- Kalimat The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog menggunakan setiap huruf yang ada dalam abjad.
- Kata racecar, kayak dan level dapat dibaca bolak-balik dari kiri ke kanan ataupun dari kanan ke kiri.
- Hanya ada empat kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang berakhir dengan suku kata ‘dous’, yaitu: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous dan hazardous.
- Ada dua kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan kelima huruf hidup secara berurutan (a, e, i, o, u), yaitu: abstemious dan facetious.
- Typewriter adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik menggunakan huruf-huruf yang terdapat pada satu baris tombol keyboard (baris QWERTY).
- Huruf yang paling sering dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris adalah huruf ‘e’. Ini merupakan fakta baik dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggris secara umum, dalam karya fiksi dan non-fiksi, jurnalisme, kitab suci dan bahkan kode Morse!
- Untuk huruf konsonan, huruf yang paling sering dipakai adalah huruf ‘t’.
- Huruf yang paling sedikit digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah ‘q’ – bukan ‘z’.
- Lima huruf yang paling sering muncul sebagai huruf pertama dalam kata bahasa Inggris – secara berurutan – adalah ‘t’, ‘o’, ‘a’, ‘w’ dan ‘b’.
- Hampir setengah dari seluruh kata bahasa Inggris diakhiri oleh huruf ‘e’, ‘t’, ‘d’ dan ‘s’.
- The adalah kata yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Bila Anda tidak percaya, cobalah berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris standar yang benar selama 5 menit tanpa menggunakan kata ‘the’.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Conversation Dalam Bahasa Inggris
oleh: e-compusoft, Mr. Teguh Handoko
Structural conversation
Adalah pelajaran conversation yang ditujukan untuk membuat siswa mampu menggunakan kalimat-kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris menurut tingkat kesulitan struktur kalimat tersebut. Dari sederhana hingga struktur yang lebih kompleks, amati dialog antara John dan Mary di sebuah restauran.
Functional Conversation
Adalah pelajaran conversation yang ditujukan untuk membuat siswa mampu menggunakan fungsi-fungsi komunikasi bahasa inggris dengan benar, amati sbb.
Amatilah bagaimana perbedaan dialog 1 dan 2 tersebut diatas serupa tapi tak sama.
Situational Conversation
Adalah pelajaran conversation yang ditujukan untuk membentuk kemampuan siswa mengenali fungsi-fungsi khusus dalam komunikasi ber bahasa inggris – berdasarkan situasi.
Lihat pada frasa 2 coffees – itu adalah salah satu contoh bagaimana penggunaan fungsi-fungsi khusus dalam komunikasi berdasarkan situasi. Di restauran, sudah biasa kita mengatakan 2 coffees walaupun secara grammar hal tersebut salah, karena ‘coffee’ biasanya dianggap sebagai uncountable noun.
Structural conversation
Adalah pelajaran conversation yang ditujukan untuk membuat siswa mampu menggunakan kalimat-kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris menurut tingkat kesulitan struktur kalimat tersebut. Dari sederhana hingga struktur yang lebih kompleks, amati dialog antara John dan Mary di sebuah restauran.
John : may I borrow your pen?
Mary : yes, you may
John : by the way, will you come to my house this afternoon?
Mary : yes, I will
John : waiter, give me 2 cups of coffee please
Functional Conversation
Adalah pelajaran conversation yang ditujukan untuk membuat siswa mampu menggunakan fungsi-fungsi komunikasi bahasa inggris dengan benar, amati sbb.
John : may I borrow your pen?
Mary : yes, please
John : by the way, will you come to my house this afternoon?
Mary : with my pleasure
John : waiter, give me 2 cups of coffee please
Amatilah bagaimana perbedaan dialog 1 dan 2 tersebut diatas serupa tapi tak sama.
Situational Conversation
Adalah pelajaran conversation yang ditujukan untuk membentuk kemampuan siswa mengenali fungsi-fungsi khusus dalam komunikasi ber bahasa inggris – berdasarkan situasi.
John : may I borrow your pen?
Mary : yes, please
John : by the way, will you come to my house this afternoon?
Mary : with my pleasure
John : waiter, give me 2 coffees please
Lihat pada frasa 2 coffees – itu adalah salah satu contoh bagaimana penggunaan fungsi-fungsi khusus dalam komunikasi berdasarkan situasi. Di restauran, sudah biasa kita mengatakan 2 coffees walaupun secara grammar hal tersebut salah, karena ‘coffee’ biasanya dianggap sebagai uncountable noun.
Bahasa Inggris
Belajar Bahasa Inggris Lebih Cepat dengan 6 Tip
Jika Anda yang sedang Belajar, Private, les maupun Kursus Bahasa Inggris. Saya sarankan anda menggunakan tips yang sangat bermanfaat ini guna mempercepat kemampuan SKILL BAHASA INGGRIS anda .
- Gunakan lebih banyak bahasa inggris dalam keseharian Anda. Sebagai contoh seringlah mencari berita yang ber bahasa inggris pilih bbc.com daripada detik.com, The Jakarta Post daripada Kompas. Dan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman bisnis terbaik di dunia dari bacaan berbahasa Inggris, bacalah artikel dalam The Economist.
- Catatlah! Setiap ada masukan kata-kata bahasa inggris yang baru buat anda. Jadi bawa buku catatan untuk menuliskan kata-kata baru, yang terpenting langsung anda pelajari kata-kata baru tersebut serta simpan di benak anda. Anda harus mengulangi kosakata baru berkali-kali sebelum pada akhirnya kosakata tersebut lekat dalam IQ memori Anda.
- Ambil setiap kesempatan untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.
- Gunakan Internet. Temukan sumber daftar informasi referensi bahasa inggris seperti forum atau blog yang memuat berbagai sumber on-line.
- Jangan takut berbuat kesalahan dalam berbicara bahasa inggris dan jangan pernah takut untuk mencoba menggunakan bahasa yang Anda pelajari. Tentu saja Anda akan melakukan kesalahan, namun disinilah Anda belajar untuk menjadi lebih baik.
- Ini dia yang paling penting!! jangan pernah menyerah untuk berusaha memperbaiki kesalahan Anda. Jika Anda gampang menyerah, maka Anda akan jauh tertinggal.
Bahasa Inggris,
Friday, April 23, 2010
Salah satu keuntungan di internet kita bisa mudah belajar BAHASA INGGRIS dengan mudah. berikut beberapa sumber terbaik untuk belajar BAHASA INGGRIS secara ONLINE.
- Swarabhaskara
- ESL go
- Bell English Online
- English @ home
- English for Free
- ENGLISHonline.netSelf-Study Quizzes for ESL Students (English Tests)
- ESL PartyLand–quiz center
- English Language Quizzes – UsingEnglish.com
- ESL test: English Grammar Tenses / Esl quiz
- Super Quiz Machine for ESL Students (English Test)
- ESL Quizzes,grammar quiz, ESL grammar quiz,Upper Intermediate …
- Irregular Verbs – Spelling Quiz
- E. L. Easton – English – Exercises, Quizzes, Tests
- English Grammar for ESL Learners
- Grammar Activities (Ohio ESL)
- ESL – English Exercises and Quizzes
- English Grammar: Present Continuous Tense Quiz (EnglishClub.com)
- English as a Second Language – Tenses Quiz
- English Language Quizzes – UsingEnglish.com
- ESL test: English Grammar Tenses / Esl quiz
- Learn English
- English Exercises Online! (by Lilliam Hurst)
- O N L I N E E X E R C I S E S – Grammar
- English Grammar Exercises
- Business English Lessons
- English Exercise – English Exercises
- E. L. Easton – English – Exercises, Quizzes, Tests
- Verb Tense Exercise 1 Simple Present and Present Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 2 Simple Present and Present Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 3 Simple Past and Past Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 4 Simple Past and Past Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 5 Simple Past and Present Perfect
- Verb Tense Exercise 6 Simple Past and Present Perfect
- Verb Tense Exercise 7 Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 8 Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 9 Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 10 Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 11 Simple Past and Past Perfect
- Verb Tense Exercise 12 Simple Past, Present Perfect, and Past Perfect
- Verb Tense Exercise 13 Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 14 Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous,
- Verb Tense Exercise 15 Tenses with durations
- Verb Tense Exercise 16 Present and Past Tenses with Non-Continuous Verbs
- Verb Tense Exercise 17 Present and Past Tense Review
- Verb Tense Exercise 18 Will and Be Going to
- Verb Tense Exercise 19 Will and Be Going to
- Verb Tense Exercise 20 Will and Be Going to
- Verb Tense Exercise 21 Simple Present and Simple Future
- Verb Tense Exercise 22 Simple Present and Simple Future
- Verb Tense Exercise 23 Simple Future and Future Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 24 Simple Present, Simple Future, Present Continuous, and Future Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 25 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 26 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 27 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Exercise 28 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
- Verb Tense Final Test Cumulative Verb Tense Review
- Verb Tense Practice Test Cumulative Verb Tense Review
- Verb Tense Exercise 1
- Verb Tense Exercise 2
- Verb Tense Exercise 3
- Verb Tense Exercise 4
- Verb Tense Exercise 5
- Verb Tense Exercise 6
- Verb Tense Exercise 7
- Verb Tense Exercise 8
- Verb Tense Exercise 9
- Verb Tense Exercise 10
- Verb Tense Exercise 11
- Verb Tense Exercise 12
- Verb Tense Exercise 13
- Verb Tense Exercise 14
- Verb Tense Exercise 15
- Verb Tense Exercise 16
- Verb Tense Exercise 17
- Verb Tense Exercise 18
- Verb Tense Exercise 19
- Verb Tense Exercise 20
- Verb Tense Exercise 21
- Verb Tense Exercise 22
- Verb Tense Exercise 23
- Verb Tense Exercise 24
- Verb Tense Exercise 25
- Verb Tense Exercise 26
- Verb Tense Exercise 27
- Verb Tense Exercise 28
- Verb Tense Final Test
- Verb Tense Practice Test
- Bahasa Inggris Blog
Sunday, April 4, 2010
USPS Launches Its First Socially Aware Forever Stamp
Complaints of food poisoning from holidaymakers returning from Tunisia have increased in the past 18 months and personal injury solicitors are currently handling hundreds of cases for compensation against tour operators.
Ten things you should know about holiday food poisoning compensation claims after food poisoning in Tunisia include:
1. If you become ill after eating contaminated food in Tunisia, you can claim compensation in the UK for loss of enjoyment of your holiday, medical expenses and pain and discomfort, providing the negligence of the tour operator caused your illness.
2. It will not cost you a penny to claim holiday illness compensation if you use a no win, no fee solicitor and you should keep 100% of the compensation. A personal injury/holiday illness solicitor should also assess your claim free of charge.
3. Common symptoms of holiday illness in Tunisia include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and fever.
4. You should always get checked out by a doctor at your resort in Tunisia and in the UK when you return home to confirm you are not still suffering from food poisoning.
5. Salmonella and E.coli can cause serious illness and even death if they are not treated correctly at the outset and you must take plenty of fluids to help avoid dehydration after prolonged bouts of sickness and diarrhoea. Anyone can become ill with food poisoning but those most likely to suffer serious illness include young children, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and older people.
6. Tour operators may offer you money off vouchers or small amounts of compensation for food poisoning in Tunisia, but you should not accept it until you have spoken to a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor in the UK, as you could be entitled to claim much more.
7. If you become ill after eating the food at a package tour hotel or an all inclusive hotel in Tunisia, you should hand in a written complaint to the holiday representative at the hotel making a note of his/her name. Keep a copy of the complaint form, to show to a personal injury solicitor in the UK if you decide to bring a compensation claim against the tour operator.
8. If other people are ill at the hotel, with similar symptoms as yours, make a note of their names and contact details as you may be able to bring a joint claim against the tour operator when you return home.
9. Try to avoid eating any foods which may have been reheated day after day and never eat ´hot´ food which is served lukewarm or meat which is not cooked thoroughly.
10. Drink bottled water (only if the seal is intact) and avoid ice in drinks.
Once you return to the UK contact a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. Although legally you have three years in which to make a claim, contact a solicitor as soon as possible when you return home, whilst the details of your illness are still fresh in your mind. Holiday illness in Tunisia can ruin your dream trip abroad and you can claim compensation for mild or severe symptoms of food poisoning, providing the tour operator was to blame for your illness. Gather as much evidence as possible from your holiday hotel, which will help with a claim for compensation against the tour operator.
Ten things you should know about holiday food poisoning compensation claims after food poisoning in Tunisia include:
1. If you become ill after eating contaminated food in Tunisia, you can claim compensation in the UK for loss of enjoyment of your holiday, medical expenses and pain and discomfort, providing the negligence of the tour operator caused your illness.
2. It will not cost you a penny to claim holiday illness compensation if you use a no win, no fee solicitor and you should keep 100% of the compensation. A personal injury/holiday illness solicitor should also assess your claim free of charge.
3. Common symptoms of holiday illness in Tunisia include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and fever.
4. You should always get checked out by a doctor at your resort in Tunisia and in the UK when you return home to confirm you are not still suffering from food poisoning.
5. Salmonella and E.coli can cause serious illness and even death if they are not treated correctly at the outset and you must take plenty of fluids to help avoid dehydration after prolonged bouts of sickness and diarrhoea. Anyone can become ill with food poisoning but those most likely to suffer serious illness include young children, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and older people.
6. Tour operators may offer you money off vouchers or small amounts of compensation for food poisoning in Tunisia, but you should not accept it until you have spoken to a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor in the UK, as you could be entitled to claim much more.
7. If you become ill after eating the food at a package tour hotel or an all inclusive hotel in Tunisia, you should hand in a written complaint to the holiday representative at the hotel making a note of his/her name. Keep a copy of the complaint form, to show to a personal injury solicitor in the UK if you decide to bring a compensation claim against the tour operator.
8. If other people are ill at the hotel, with similar symptoms as yours, make a note of their names and contact details as you may be able to bring a joint claim against the tour operator when you return home.
9. Try to avoid eating any foods which may have been reheated day after day and never eat ´hot´ food which is served lukewarm or meat which is not cooked thoroughly.
10. Drink bottled water (only if the seal is intact) and avoid ice in drinks.
Once you return to the UK contact a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. Although legally you have three years in which to make a claim, contact a solicitor as soon as possible when you return home, whilst the details of your illness are still fresh in your mind. Holiday illness in Tunisia can ruin your dream trip abroad and you can claim compensation for mild or severe symptoms of food poisoning, providing the tour operator was to blame for your illness. Gather as much evidence as possible from your holiday hotel, which will help with a claim for compensation against the tour operator.
USPS Launches Its First Socially Aware Forever Stamp
Complaints of food poisoning from holidaymakers returning from Tunisia have increased in the past 18 months and personal injury solicitors are currently handling hundreds of cases for compensation against tour operators.
Ten things you should know about holiday food poisoning compensation claims after food poisoning in Tunisia include:
1. If you become ill after eating contaminated food in Tunisia, you can claim compensation in the UK for loss of enjoyment of your holiday, medical expenses and pain and discomfort, providing the negligence of the tour operator caused your illness.
2. It will not cost you a penny to claim holiday illness compensation if you use a no win, no fee solicitor and you should keep 100% of the compensation. A personal injury/holiday illness solicitor should also assess your claim free of charge.
3. Common symptoms of holiday illness in Tunisia include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and fever.
4. You should always get checked out by a doctor at your resort in Tunisia and in the UK when you return home to confirm you are not still suffering from food poisoning.
5. Salmonella and E.coli can cause serious illness and even death if they are not treated correctly at the outset and you must take plenty of fluids to help avoid dehydration after prolonged bouts of sickness and diarrhoea. Anyone can become ill with food poisoning but those most likely to suffer serious illness include young children, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and older people.
6. Tour operators may offer you money off vouchers or small amounts of compensation for food poisoning in Tunisia, but you should not accept it until you have spoken to a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor in the UK, as you could be entitled to claim much more.
7. If you become ill after eating the food at a package tour hotel or an all inclusive hotel in Tunisia, you should hand in a written complaint to the holiday representative at the hotel making a note of his/her name. Keep a copy of the complaint form, to show to a personal injury solicitor in the UK if you decide to bring a compensation claim against the tour operator.
8. If other people are ill at the hotel, with similar symptoms as yours, make a note of their names and contact details as you may be able to bring a joint claim against the tour operator when you return home.
9. Try to avoid eating any foods which may have been reheated day after day and never eat ´hot´ food which is served lukewarm or meat which is not cooked thoroughly.
10. Drink bottled water (only if the seal is intact) and avoid ice in drinks.
Once you return to the UK contact a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. Although legally you have three years in which to make a claim, contact a solicitor as soon as possible when you return home, whilst the details of your illness are still fresh in your mind. Holiday illness in Tunisia can ruin your dream trip abroad and you can claim compensation for mild or severe symptoms of food poisoning, providing the tour operator was to blame for your illness. Gather as much evidence as possible from your holiday hotel, which will help with a claim for compensation against the tour operator.
Ten things you should know about holiday food poisoning compensation claims after food poisoning in Tunisia include:
1. If you become ill after eating contaminated food in Tunisia, you can claim compensation in the UK for loss of enjoyment of your holiday, medical expenses and pain and discomfort, providing the negligence of the tour operator caused your illness.
2. It will not cost you a penny to claim holiday illness compensation if you use a no win, no fee solicitor and you should keep 100% of the compensation. A personal injury/holiday illness solicitor should also assess your claim free of charge.
3. Common symptoms of holiday illness in Tunisia include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and fever.
4. You should always get checked out by a doctor at your resort in Tunisia and in the UK when you return home to confirm you are not still suffering from food poisoning.
5. Salmonella and E.coli can cause serious illness and even death if they are not treated correctly at the outset and you must take plenty of fluids to help avoid dehydration after prolonged bouts of sickness and diarrhoea. Anyone can become ill with food poisoning but those most likely to suffer serious illness include young children, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and older people.
6. Tour operators may offer you money off vouchers or small amounts of compensation for food poisoning in Tunisia, but you should not accept it until you have spoken to a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor in the UK, as you could be entitled to claim much more.
7. If you become ill after eating the food at a package tour hotel or an all inclusive hotel in Tunisia, you should hand in a written complaint to the holiday representative at the hotel making a note of his/her name. Keep a copy of the complaint form, to show to a personal injury solicitor in the UK if you decide to bring a compensation claim against the tour operator.
8. If other people are ill at the hotel, with similar symptoms as yours, make a note of their names and contact details as you may be able to bring a joint claim against the tour operator when you return home.
9. Try to avoid eating any foods which may have been reheated day after day and never eat ´hot´ food which is served lukewarm or meat which is not cooked thoroughly.
10. Drink bottled water (only if the seal is intact) and avoid ice in drinks.
Once you return to the UK contact a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. Although legally you have three years in which to make a claim, contact a solicitor as soon as possible when you return home, whilst the details of your illness are still fresh in your mind. Holiday illness in Tunisia can ruin your dream trip abroad and you can claim compensation for mild or severe symptoms of food poisoning, providing the tour operator was to blame for your illness. Gather as much evidence as possible from your holiday hotel, which will help with a claim for compensation against the tour operator.
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